/ / How to Call a Person That Has Blocked Your Number

How to Call a Person That Has Blocked Your Number

Calling From Your Own Phone

  1. Image titled Call a Person That Has Blocked Your Number Step 1
  2. 1
    Disguise your caller ID. This keeps the receiving phone from knowing who is calling. Your number will not appear, and your ID will be listed as "Hidden".
    • To disguise your caller ID on IOS (iPhone), go to your Settings App. Next, go to the "Phone" section of the settings, and select "Show My Caller ID". Then, slide it to the "Off" position.[1]
    • For Android, go to Settings > Call Settings > Additional Settings > Caller ID. Then, select Hide Number. Your calls will remain anonymous and you can bypass the blocked list.

  3. 2
    Dial *67. This code will block your number so that your call shows up as an "Unknown" or "Private" number. Enter the code before the number that you're dialing, like so: *67-408-221-XXXX. This may work on cell phones and home phones, but it won't necessarily work on businesses.[2]
  4. To hide your caller ID in Nigeria, simply dial #31#phone number e.g. #31#08031234576 and the call will go through without being blocked. 
  5. 3
    Download an app that gives you a random phone number. If you have a smartphone, you can download one of various free apps that will assign you a randomly generated phone number. You can use this number for the purpose of texting and calling within the app – and you may be able to use it to call people that don't use the app. This is generally a reliable method of calling a person that's blocked your number.[3]
    • One advantage to this method is that the area code is also randomly generated. Thus, the person will not suspect where the call is coming from.
  6. Image titled Call a Person That Has Blocked Your Number Step 4
    Call a landline. Many land-based home phones do not allow you to block numbers. If you know the person's home phone, try giving them a call!

Source:  Wiki How

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